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Sep 20, 2024, 6:00 PM CDT – Sep 21, 2024, 1:30 PM CDT













Coffee Reception

Lee Tankersley
Reflections on 22 Years of Pastoral Ministry at One Church


Cornerstone Elders
"Our Vision For Partnership in Mission"




Timothy O'Day
Church Planting Among the (Mormon) Saints of Zion: The Motivation and Method of Mission 

Pastors/Planters sent out by Cornerstone 

"Reports from the Field, Visions for the Future, Pt. 1"

Eric Smith
"May I Lay Out My Strength for Thee! The Faithful Ministry of Baptist Oliver Hart"


Lunch Break



Tennessee Pastors/Planters sent out by Cornerstone

"Reports from the Field, Visions for the Future, Pt. 2"


Conference Plenary Speakers

"Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry"


Tom Fox

"Pastoral Ministry and God's Mission in the World"


Coffee Reception



Feel free to stay and worship with us on Sunday if you'd like. Christopher Ortiz, our church planter in New York City, will be preaching at 10:15am on the 19th. This is not a part of the conference, but you are more than welcome to attend. 



The vision of the Cornerstone Network is built on three concepts: Encouragement, Instruction, and Connection


We seek to gather like-minded brothers and sisters, many of whom are in the trenches of local church ministry, for the sake of mutual encouragement. The joy of coming together to form new relationships or nurture old ones is a joy that aids us all in the ongoing task of ministry, reminding us that we are co-laborers in a shared vision who serve a great Savior.


We seek to provide helpful instruction that will aid our attendees in the task of ministry. The wisdom of seasoned pastors and church planters is a treasure we want to share. This year's inaugural conference, focused on the theme "Pastoring the Church," will provide a wealth of pastoral wisdom to those who currently labor in pastoral ministry or who aspire to do so.


We seek to forge connections that will strengthen ministry partnerships. Cornerstone Community Church has been training and sending out leaders through our apprenticeship program for over a decade now, and it is our desire to expand the connections of ministry partnership to a wider circle of like-minded churches and individuals. We hope these connections will strengthen our ministry partners through the supports of prayer, finances, and personal presence, all for the sake of making disciples of Jesus Christ, planting new churches, and strengthening existing churches.



Meet The Speakers

Lee Tankersly

Lee Tankersley

Lee Tankersley has served as a pastor to Cornerstone Community Church ( since 1999. He holds a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southern Seminary. During his tenure as pastor the entire canon of Scripture has been preached to the congregation, including numerous sections now more than once. Lee and his wife Lili have four children.

Timothy O'Day

Timothy O'Day

Timothy O’Day planted Christ Fellowship ( in Lehi, Utah, near Salt Lake City, where he continues to serve as a pastor. He holds the M.Div. from Southern Seminary. He was trained for ministry and ordained by Cornerstone Community Church. Timothy and his wife Haley have four children. You can support the work of Christ Fellowship here.

Eric Smith

Eric Smith

Eric Smith serves as the senior pastor of Sharon Baptist Church ( in Savannah, TN, and also teaches courses in church history and practical theology for Southern Seminary and Union University. He specializes in the history of American Baptists and has recently published a book on eighteenth century Baptist life, Oliver Hart and the Rise of Baptist America (OUP, 2020). Eric and his wife Candace have three children.

Tom Fox

Tom Fox

Tom Fox serves on the pastoral staff of Cornerstone Community Church ( He holds the M.Div. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and formerly served as a missionary to Eastern Europe with the International Mission Board. Tom and his wife Tammy have two children and six grandchildren.

Cody Hardin

Cody Hardin

Cody Hardin serves as Minister of Young Adults at First Baptist Church ( of Joelton, TN, just outside of Nashville. He holds the M.Div. from Southern Seminary. He was further trained for ministry and ordained by Cornerstone Community Church. During his two years in Jackson, he earned the MBA degree from Union University and, more importantly, met and married his wife Katie.

Michael Lee

Michael Lee

Michael Lee serves as pastor of Sardis Baptist Church ( in Sardis, TN, and also teaches upper school humanities at Augustine School in Jackson, TN. He holds the M.Div. from Southern Seminary. He was trained and ordained to ministry by Cornerstone Community Church. Michael and his wife Ashton have three children.

Michael Spain

Michael Spain

Michael Spain planted Grace and Peace Baptist Church in Milan, TN, where he continues to serve as pastor. He holds the Ph.D. in Preaching from Southeastern Seminary. He was ordained to ministry by Cornerstone Community Church. Michael and his wife, Pettra, have four children and a daughter-in-law. You can support Michael’s work here by selecting “Give to Milan Church Plant”.

Zach Wylie

Zach Wylie

Zach Wylie serves as pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Crockett Mills, TN. He holds a B.A. in Christian Studies from Union University and continues to pursue the M.Div. degree from Southern Seminary. He was trained and ordained to ministry by Cornerstone Community Church. Zach and his wife MaryAnn have one son.

Aaron O'Kelley

Aaron O'Kelley

Aaron O’Kelley serves as a pastor to Cornerstone Community Church ( and directs the church’s pastoral apprenticeship. He holds a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southern Seminary. Aaron and his wife Joni have three children.

John Winfree

John Winfree

John Winfree serves as a pastor to Cornerstone Community Church ( A graduate of Union University, John teaches upper school humanities at Augustine School ( in Jackson, Tennessee, a classical Christian school. John and his wife Brittany have three children.

Nathan Young

Nathan Young

Nathan Young serves as a pastor to Cornerstone Community Church ( He is nearing three decades of service as director of the Care Center ( in Jackson, Tennessee, a shelter for women and children in need. Nathan and his wife Susan have two children and four grandchildren.

Logan Smith

Logan Smith

Logan Smith serves as pastor of Bread of Life Baptist Church ( in Plattsburgh, New York. He holds the B.A. in Christian Studies from Union University and continues to pursue the M.Div. degree from Southern Seminary. He was trained for ministry and ordained by Cornerstone Community Church. Logan and his wife Ashley have two children. You can support Logan’s work here by selecting “Give to Smith – New York”.

Christopher Ortiz

Christopher Ortiz

Christopher Ortiz serves as pastor of Grace Baptist Church ( in Brooklyn, New York. He is currently pursuing the M.Div. degree from Southern Seminary. He was trained for ministry and ordained by Cornerstone Community Church. He also served as a pastoral intern at North Shore Baptist Church in Queens, New York, under the supervision of Pastor Ed Moore. Christopher and his wife Sarah have two children with one on the way.


Thanks for inquiring!


730 Pipkin Road
Jackson, TN 38305


For any additional information, contact

Aaron O'Kelley via the contact form or listed phone number.


© 2024 Cornerstone Community Church

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